Name: Diane Rosenfeld
Institution: HLS
Title (HLS): Lecturer on Law

The faculty member above engages from time to time in outside activities, some of which are compensated, some of which are ongoing, and also has outside financial interests that may relate to his/her scholarly activities. The disclosures below are intended to provide interested parties information about potential conflicts of interest from 2011 through the date of this report (June 2013) that might exist between the faculty member's scholarly and teaching activities, on the one hand, and his/her outside activities, on the other hand.
MIddlesex Police DeptTrained Middlesex Police Department ChiefsAnti-trafficking statute implementation12/12-12/12
NCAAExpertAppointed to NCAA Violence Prevention Think TankAthletes and sexual violence10/12-ongoing
SHALVA BoardBoardDomestic ViolenceDomestic Violence in the Jewish Community01/13-ongoing
Cynthia Bischof FoundationBoardappointed to boardDomestic violence prevention12/12-ongoing
Williams CollegeTalk or publicationCampus sexual assaultCampus sexual assault prevention and response01/13-04/13
Brandeis UniversityExpertLImited auditTitle IX policies reviewed on campus sexual assault.02/13-10/13
Texas Association Against Sexual AssaultExpertTraining campus law enforcementNew federal law on campus sexual assault: compliance and implementation04/13-04/13
Jane Doe, survivorCounselrepresentation on campus sexual assaulteducational accommodations04/13-ongoing