The Power of the Big Three and Why It Matters
Scott Hirst and Lucian Bebchuk
102 Boston University Law Review (2022).
Index Funds and the Future of Corporate Governance: Theory, Evidence, and Policy
Scott Hirst and Lucian Bebchuk
119 Columbia Law Review 2029-2146 (2019).
The Specter of the Giant Three
Scott Hirst and Lucian Bebchuk
99 Boston University Law Review 721-741 (2019).
The Misguided Attack on Common Ownership
(with Scott Hirst)
The Agency Problems of Institutional Investors
Lucian Bebchuk, Alma Cohen, and Scott Hirst
31 Journal of Economic Perspectives 89-102 (2017).
Toward Board Declassification in 100 S&P 500 and Fortune 500 Companies:
Report of the SRP for the 2012 and 2013 Proxy Seasons
Scott Hirst, Lucian Bebchuk and June Rhee
3 Harvard Business Law Review 157-184 (2013).
Private Ordering and the Proxy Access Debate
Scott Hirst and Lucian Bebchuk
65(2) The Business Lawyer 329–360, February 2010.
Harvard Law and Economics Discussion Paper No. 653, November 2009.
The Harvard Law School Proxy Access Roundtable
Scott Hirst and Lucian Bebchuk, editors
Harvard Law School Olin Discussion Paper No. 661, January 2010.
You can also visit the website of my book:
(with Jesse Fried)
Harvard University Press