Adverse Selection and
Gains to Controllers in Corporate
Marcel Kahan and Lucian Bebchuk
In Concentrated Corporate Ownership (R.Morck, ed.) 247-259 (2000).
A Framework for Analyzing Legal
Policy Toward Proxy Contests
Marcel Kahan and Lucian Bebchuk
78 California Law Review 1071-1136
Abstract Only
Fairness in Opinions: How Fair
Are They and What Can Be Done About
Marcel Kahan and Lucian Bebchuk
Duke Law Journal 27-53 (1989).
[Reprinted (translated int German) in Fairness Opinion - Grundlagen und Anwendung (W. Essler, S. Lobe, and K. Röder, ed., Schäffer-Poeschel, 2008)]
You can also visit the website of my book:
(with Jesse Fried)
Harvard University Press