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Works co-authored with Guhan Subramanian

Placing Election Bylaws on the Corporate Ballot
Guhan Subramanian, Allen Ferrell, Reinier Kraakman, Mark Roe and Lucian Bebchuk

The Trouble With Staggered Boards: A Reply to Georgeson's John Wilcox
Guhan Subramanian, John Coates and Lucian Bebchuk
11 Corporate Governance Advisor 17-19 (2003)

The Powerful Antitakeover Force of Staggered Boards: Further Findings and a Reply to Symposium Participants
Guhan Subramanian, John Coates and Lucian Bebchuk
[Selected as one of the year's top 10 corporate and securities articles in the annual poll of corporate law professors and reprinted in the Corporate Practice Commentator.]
55 Stanford Law Review 885-917 (2002)
Noted in NBER Digest
This paper responds to a series of responses to our earlier study of staggered boards by: Steve Bainbridge, Mark Gordon, Patrick McGurn, Lynn Stout, and Leo Strine.



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