Spring 2024

Legal History: Continental Legal History


The date of the class for this year’s course is linked to the outline for the prerecorded lecture. Below that, under the same date, is the outline that I used in class, when the class has already been held. The outlines contain three types of material: (1) facts or bibliography about people or events that we will mention in the class or in the lecture (‘kings, and battles, and dates’); (2) documents, or summaries thereof, that we will be studying in class (good for preparing for class); and (3) genuine outlines of the lectures. The outlines up to the spring break are those for the prerecorded lectures, which are also there up the break. For the classes that have not yet been held, I give here the lecture outlines as they are currently conceived, keyed to dates on which we will have the class. There are also outlines for the section meetings. The lectures were recorded in 2022. The class outlines begin with the prerecorded lecture outlines but frequently add things or move things around to reflect what actually went on in the class. Some of them contain hyperlinks at the top that shows the order in which we took up the topics in class.Lecture outlines don’t display the same way in different web browsers. These are optimized for Firefox; the spacing will be a little off in Internet Explorer, and the upper-case Roman numeral won’t show. I think I have most of the images that I used the last time I gave the course in the outlines. Most of the images that we used are there. Some of them are embedded in the outlines; some of them are reached through hyperlinks in the outlines; some of them are in a separate PDF called ‘slides’.


After the spring break, two outlines are given when I have combined the shorter classes in 2020 for the longer classes this year.


Under the outlines there are one or more links to the documents in the coursepack assigned for the class. The documents frequently contain more than we will discuss in class, because they also include documents about which you might want to write your papers. The lecture outlines usually give a pretty good idea of where the class will focus, as does the syllabus.


I have included links to many of the secondary readings listed in the syllabus as they are in syllabus, at the beginning of the week. As I say in the syllabus, focus on the documentary material. It’s more important than the secondary reading. Where more than one secondary reading is given, e.g., Bellomo and van Caenegem, they are alternatives, but they frequently provide different viewpoints.


Below the links to the documents are links to the prerecorded lectures and below that to the slides that accompany them. At least on my browser, the slides have to be downloaded; they will not appear on the screen if you just clck on them.


Bellomo, pp. 1–26
Van Caenegem, pp. 1–15
Padoa-Schioppa, pp. 1–23
Watson, pp. 1–38

Mon., Jan. 22 (2023)
Mon., Jan. 22 (2024)
Documents, Front Matter
Documents, Part II
Lecture 1a – Introduction
Slides 1a
Lecture 1b – Christianity
Slides 1b

Wed., Jan. 24 (2023)
Wed., Jan. 24 (2024)
Documents, Part I
Documents, Part XX
Lecture 2 – Roman Law
Slides 2

Padoa-Schioppa, pp. 24–37

Mon., Jan. 29 (2023)
Mon., Jan. 29 (2024)
Documents, Part III.A
Lecture 3 – Aethelberht
Slides 3

Wed., Jan. 31 (2023)
Wed., Jan. 31 (2024)
Documents, Part III.B
Lecture 4 – Gundobad
Slides 4

Bellomo, pp. 27–43
Berman, pp. 85–119, 273–332
Padoa-Schioppa, pp. 38–70
Van Caenegem, pp. 16–29
Vinogradoff, pp. 11–42

Mon., Feb. 05 (2023)
Mon., Feb. 05 (2024)
Documents, Part IV
Documents, Part V
Lecture 5 – Feudalism
Slides 5

Wed., Feb. 07 (2023)
Wed., Feb. 07 (2024)
Documents, Part V
Documents, Part VI
Lecture 6 – Reform
Slides 6

Bellomo, pp. 44–61, 89–117
Vinogradoff, pp. 43–70
Padoa-Schioppa, pp. 71–94

Mon., Feb. 12 (2023)
Mon., Feb. 12 (2024)
Lecture 7a – Institutions
Slides 7a

Wed., Feb. 14 (2023)
Wed., Feb. 14 (2024)
Documents, Part VII
Lecture 7b – RLGlossators
Slides 7b

Bellomo, pp. 61–88
Padoa-Schioppa, pp. 95–150
Van Caenegem, pp. 30–114
Vinogradoff, pp. 71–96

Mon., Feb. 19 (2023)
Mon., Feb. 19 (2024)
Documents, Part VIII
Lecture 8 – CLGlossators
Slides 8

Wed., Feb. 21 (2023)
Wed., Feb. 21 (2024)
Documents, Part IX.A–D, F
Lecture 9 – RomCanProcedure
Slides 9

Mon., Feb. 26 (2023)
Mon., Feb. 26 (2024)
Documents, Part XIV.A–B
Lecture 10 – Smith c. Dolling
Slides 10

Wed., Feb. 28 (2023)
Wed., Feb. 28 (2024)
Documents, Part X.A
Lecture 11 – Usatges_Barcelona
Slides 11

Mon., Mar. 04 (2023)
Mon., Mar. 04 (2024)
Documents, Part X.B–C
Lecture 12 – French Custumals
Slides 12

Wed., Mar. 06 (2023)
Wed., Mar. 06 (2024)
Documents, Part XI.A–D
Lecture 13 – Imperium
Slides 13

Spring Break

Bellomo, pp. 116–161
Padoa-Schioppa, pp. 151–228

Mon., Mar. 18 (2023)
Mon., Mar. 18 (2024)
Documents, Part XI.E
Documents, Part XIII
Lecture 14 14c_15c_Intro
Slides 14

Wed., Mar. 20 (2023)
Wed., Mar. 20 (2024)
Documents, Part XIII
Documents, Part XII.A, C, D
Documents, Part XIV.E
Lecture 15 – Commentators 1
Slides 15

Mon., Mar. 25 (2023)
Mon., Mar. 25 (2024)
Documents, Part XIV.C–D
Lecture 16 – Commentators 2
Slides 16

Wed., Mar. 27 (2023)
Documents, Part XIV.F
Display Catalogue
Lecture 17 – Marradi (1780)
Slides 17

Bellomo, pp. 162–173
Watson, pp. 53–82
Padoa-Schioppa, pp. 229–293

Mon., Apr. 01 (2023)
Mon., Apr. 01 (2024)
Documents, Part XV
Documents, Part XVI.C
Lecture 18 – Humanists
Slides 18

Wed., Apr. 03 (2023)
Wed., Apr. 03 (2024)
Documents, Part XVI.A–B, D
Lecture 19 – Ordonnances
Slides 19

Watson, pp. 83–125

Mon., Apr. 08 (2023)
Mon., Apr. 08 (2024)
Documents, Part XVII
Lecture 20 – 17th Century, A1
Lecture 20 – 17th Century, B1
Slides 20

Wed., Apr. 10 (2023)
Wed., Apr. 10 (2024)
Documents, Part XVIII
Lecture 21 – Pierson v. Post
Slides 21

Padoa-Schioppa, pp. 294–401

Van Caenegem, pp. 115–169
Watson, pp. 126–130

Mon., Apr. 15 (2023)
Mon., Apr. 15 (2024)
Documents, Part XVIII (cont’d)
Documents, Part XIX
Lecture 22 – Domat and Pothier
Slides 22

Wed., Apr. 17 (2023)
Wed., Apr. 17 (2024)
Documents, Part XX
Lecture 23a – French Code
Lecture 23b – German Code
Slides 23

Van Caenegem, pp. 170–196

Mon., Apr. 22 (2023)
Mon., Apr. 22 (2024)
Documents, End Matter
Lecture 24 – Final (printed text)

1 Part A lasts 45 minutes and then crashes. Part B picks up where Part A left off and runs for 39 minutes.


[Home Page]  [Syllabus


URL:  http://www.law.harvard.edu/faculty/cdonahue/courses/CLH/clhlaw/lectures/index_lec_CLH.html
last modified:  04/24/24

Copyright © 2011–2024 Charles Donahue, Jr.