Legal History: English Legal HistoryLECTURE OUTLINES |
Law 2165 |
Medieval Studies 117 |
Prof. Donahue |
Fall, 2023 |
Linked to the dates listed below are the outlines that I will use for the classes and for the prerecorded lectures. Where there were two prerecorded lectures or where the class has two distinct parts, there is more than one linked date. Most of the outlines are same as the ones I used last year. If I change them, I will date them 2023. The outlines are in PDF form. You can use them online or download them as you prefer. Following the outlines for the regular classes are packets of the Materials on which each class is based. The syllabus tells you what is important in each packet. In a few places there are additional materials that I will use in the class, for example, the Display Catalogue of material in the HLS Library that I hope we can go to see. Below the links to the materials are links to the pre-recorded lectures that accompany most of the classes. Below each lecture are links to the PowerPoint slides used in the lecture. (At least on my browser, you have to download these slides; they won’t open directly in PowerPoint.) |
Please send comments to Rosemary Spang URL: http://www.law.harvard.edu/faculty/cdonahue/courses/ELH/elhlaw/lecture/index.html Copyright © 2000–2023. Charles Donahue, Jr. |