English Legal History







































































































Narrative history: Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People; The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle


The so-called “law codes,” beginning with Aethelberht (c. 600) and going right up to the Conquest.


Language and literature: Beowulf, lyric poetry, sermons, saints’ lives






Art and archaeology





The period of the invasions (Bede on the origins of the English settlers) (Mats. p. II–1), 450–600:
“They came from three very powerful nations of the Germans, namely the Saxons, the Angles and the Jutes.  From the stock of the Jutes are the people of Kent and the people of Wight, that is, the race which holds the Isle of Wight, and that which in the province of the West Saxons is to this day called the nation of the Jutes, situated opposite that same Isle of Wight.  From the Saxons, that is, from the region which now is called that of the Old Saxons, came the East Saxons, the South Saxons, the West Saxons.  Further, from the Angles, that is, from the country which is called Angulus and which from that time until today is said to have remained deserted between the provinces of the Jutes and the Saxons, are sprung the East Angles, the Middle Angles, the Mercians, the whole race of the Northumbrians, that is, of those peoples who dwell north of the River Humber, and the other peoples of the Angles.  Their first leaders are said to have been two brothers, Hengest and Horsa, of whom Horsa was afterwards killed by the Britons in battle, and has still in the eastern parts of Kent a monument inscribed with his name. They were the sons of Wihtgils, the son of Witta, the son of Wecta, the son of Woden, from whose stock the royal race of many provinces trace their descent.”


The conversion to Christianity (Bede on the conversion of Edwin by Paulinus) (Mats. p. II–2), 600–835:
“When the king had heard these words, he replied that he was both willing and bound to receive the faith which he taught.  Still, he said that he would confer about it with his loyal chief men and counsellors, so that if they also were of his opinion they might all be consecrated to Christ together in the font of life.  And with Paulinus’s assent, he did as he had said.  For, holding a council with his wise men, he asked of each in turn what he thought of this doctrine, previously unknown, and of this new worship of God, which was preached.
“The chief of his priests, Coifi, at once replied to him: “See, king, what manner of thing this is which is now preached to us; for I most surely admit to you, what I have learnt beyond a doubt, that the religion which we have held up till now has no power at all and no use.  For none of your followers has applied himself to the worship of our gods more zealously than I; and nevertheless there are many who receive from you more ample gifts and greater honours than I, and prosper more in all things which they plan to do or get.  But if the gods were of any avail, they would rather help me, who have been careful to serve them more devotedly.  It remains, therefore, that if on examination you find these new things, which are now preached to us, better and more efficacious, we should hasten to receive them without any delay.”


The period of the Heptarchy, Aethelberht, Northumbrians, Offa, Egbert (Bede on the concept of the bretwalda) (Mats. p. II–3), 600–835:
“In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 616, which is the 21st year after Augustine with his companions was sent to preach to the nation of the English, Ethelbert, king of the people of Kent, after his temporal kingdom which he had held most gloriously for 56 years, entered into the eternal joys of the heavenly kingdom.  He was indeed the third of the kings in the nation of the English to hold dominion over all their southern provinces, which are divided from the northern by the River Humber and the boundaries adjoining it; but the first of them all to ascend to the heavenly kingdom.  For the first who had sovereignty (imperium; bretwalda in the A-S translation) of this kind was Ælle, king of the South Saxons [477–91]; the second Caelin, king of the West Saxons [560–90], who in their language is called Ceawlin; the third, as we have said, Ethelbert, king of the people of Kent [560–616]; the fourth, Rædwald, king of the East Angles [c.600–616 X 627], who, even while Ethelbert was alive, had been obtaining the leadership for his own race; the fifth, Edwin, king of the nation of the Northumbrians [616–33], that is, of that nation which dwells on the north side of the River Humber, ruled with greater power over all the peoples who inhabit Britain, the English and Britons as well, except only the people of Kent, and he also reduced under English rule the Mevanian islands of the Britons, which lie between Ireland and Britain; the sixth, Oswald, also a most Christian king of the Northumbrians [Saint Oswald, 634–42], held a kingdom with these same bounds; the seventh, his brother Oswiu, governing for some time a kingdom of almost the same limits [655–70], also subdued for the most part and made tributary the nations of the Picts and Scots, who hold the northern parts of Britain.  But of this hereafter.”


The period of the Danish invasions (the Battle of “Brunanburh” from the A-S chronicle) (Mats., p. II–2), 835–924:

Hēr Æþelstān cyning, eorla dryhten,

beorna bēahgifa, ond his brōþor ēac,

Ēadmund æþeling, ealdorlangne tīr

geslōgon æt sæcce sweorda ecgum

ymbe Brūnanburh. Bordweal clufan,

hēowan heaþolinde hamora lāfan

afaran Ēadweardes, swā  him geæþele wæs

from cnēomæ¯gum, þæt hī æt campe oft

wiþ lāþra gehwæne land ealgodon

hord ond hāmas.”

(In this year King Athelstan, lord of earls / ring-giver of warriors, and his brother also, / Edmund atheling, undying glory / won by sword’s edge in battle / around “Brunanburh.”  Shield-wall they cleaved, / hewed war-linden [linden bucklers] with hammers’ leavings [hammered blades], / offspring of Edward, as was inborn to them / from their ancestry, that they at battle oft / with each enemy defend their land, / hoard and homes.)


The period of the national monarchy, Alfred, Edward the Elder, Edgar, Ethelred, Cnut, Edward the Confessor, 824–1066 (the coronation oath of Edgar) (Mats. p. II–3):

“This writing has been copied, letter by letter, from the writing which Archbishop Dunstan gave our lord at Kingston on the day that he was consecrated as king, forbidding him to make any promise save this, which at the bishop’s bidding he laid on Christ’s altar:—
“In the name of the Holy Trinity, I promise three things to the Christian people of my subjects: first that God’s Church and all Christian people of my realm shall enjoy true peace; second, that I forbid to all ranks of men robbery and wrongful deeds; third that I urge and command justice and mercy in all judgments, so that the gracious and compassionate God who lives and reigns may grant us all His everlasting mercy.”



Woden, Hengest and Horsa


Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians


amicis principibus consiliariis (loyal chief men and counsellors); in consilio sapientium—the witenagemot; cum ducibus et ministris (trans. earldomen and thegns); maiores natu and regis consiliarii (nobles and king’s counsellors)


bretwalda (imperium)


cyning, the son of the kin—eorla dryhten, lord of earls—beorna beahgifa, ring-giver of warriors—aetheling, son of the nobility


peace to the church and all Christian people, prohibition of robbery and wrongful deeds, injunction to justice and mercy in judgments



The eighth century is the period to ascendancy of Mercia, a kingdom in the north middle part of England. Ethelbald 716–757, whom Bede mentions, and Offa 757–796, who calls himself rex totius Anglie patrie (king of the whole fatherland of England). The other kings are subreguli ‘underkings’.


In 802, Egbert, way out of the line of succession, became king of the West Saxons. In 825, he defeated the Mercians at Ellendum. From there on the leading king in England was the king of the West Saxons.


But the West Saxons had a new and dangerous enemy to face. In 835, the Vikings who had been raiding England since the early part of the century launched a major invasion. In 865 the mickel here (‘big army’) arrived and spent the winter. They began a conquest that threatened to take over the whole of England.


But their progress was stopped by Alfred 871–899, the greatest of the Anglo-Saxon kings; he contained the Danes in the Danelaw, and launched a massive revival of Anglo-Saxon culture.


His son, Edward the Elder 899–924, with his sister Aethelflaed,reconquered the Danelaw to the Humber. There was a great religious revival under Dunstan.


During the reigns of Aethelstan of the poem 924–39 and Edmund of the poem 939-46, the north of England was recovered, then lost, then recovered again.


Edgar, known as the peaceable, became king of all England 957–75—major coronation ceremony at the end of his reign. Mats. p. II–3.


Unfortunately, the next major king was Ethelred the Unready (means he didnt take counsel) 978–1016, who had a long and disasterous reign.


He was succeeded by Cnut 1016–1035, a Danish king, but this was a different kind of Danish invasion. Cnut was a Christian. He governed a north sea empire that included Denmark, and he ruled in England through native Anglo-Saxons.


The native dynasty returned with Edward the Confessor, son of Ethelred the Unready. Edward began reign in 1042 and died childless on 5 Jan. 1066.




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last modified:  03/03/09

Copyright © 2009 Charles Donahue, Jr.