


And Supplements

And Discussion


Property (Section 4
Professor Donahue
Catalog Number: HLS-1004-4
4 credits (Fall
W., Th., F., 1:20–2:40 (Room WCC 1023).
The description of this course found in the catalogue and in Canvas has the advantage of brevity at the expense of specificity. The one that follows gives a bit more detail.
This course deals with characteristic arrangements under American law for
the inception and transfer of the right to control and exploit property. The
relationships of these arrangements to efficient resource use, the pattern of
wealth distribution, and other social concerns will be explored as they are
reflected in both judicial decision-making and legislative reform. Subject to
variations of emphasis, topics covered will include aspects of both
commercial and non-commercial transfers of land and other property, wills and trusts, and means of controlling private
land use by private arrangement (easements, covenants, servitudes) and by
public regulation (zoning, health and safety regulations).
The historical categories and assumptions of American real property law will
be considered with a view to examining their relevance to modern social and
economic conditions.
Charles Donahue, Cases and
Materials on Property: An Introduction to the Concept and the Institution (tentative 4th ed.
2019) (multilithed) (based on Charles Donahue, Thomas E.
Kauper and Peter W. Martin, Cases and
Materials on Property: An Introduction to the Concept and the Institution
[3d ed. 1993].)
[Previous Exams]
URL: http://www.law.harvard.edu/faculty/cdonahue/courses/prop/index.html
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Copyright © 2019 The President and Fellows of Harvard College
Copyright © 2019 Charles Donahue, Jr.