The following table gives class outlines for each class linked to the date of the class, below that you will find links to the readings in the Materials (in a pdf packet) for the class, references to the secondary readings for the class (which may be found on the Canvas site for the course under ‘Files’, where a full set of the Materials may also be found), to the recorded lecture, if any, for the class, and to the PowerPoint slides that accompany the lecture. Right now what is there is from when I last gave the course in 2021, with the dates changed to correspond to this year’s dates. The outlines all have 2021 on them. If I update the outline, I’ll change it to 2023. The Lectures are the ones that I recorded in 2020. There are a few glitches, mostly bumbling as I get started. I hope to get the glitches out before the class, but the substance will be the same. The subjects of each class and what to focus on in the Lectures and in the Materials can be found in the Syllabus, which is more explicit about which part of which Lecture goes with each class. The references to the Materials listed below are more specific than those in the Syllabus and give the pages that are the focus of the class. For the 13th through the 16th classes (Wed., 18 Oct. – Mon., 30 Oct.), the Materials are included with the outlines, and there are no recorded lectures for these classes. There is a recorded lecture for the 17th class (Wed., 1 Nov. , Lecture 13), with an outline. Students may give papers in these classes, and in the past a number have. Scheduling in 2021 proved to be something of a problem for the last classes, which depend on what the students chose for papers. The outlines do not necessarily cover everything in the class. Linked references for the Materials are given for all classes, sometimes simply using the word ‘Materials’ or ‘Mats.’ and sometimes with a more specific reference, e.g. ‘Frier Dowry’. |
Wed., 6 Sep. 2023 |
Mon., 11 Sep.
2023 Slides03 |
Wed., 13 Sep.
2023 |
Mon., 18 Sep.
2023 |
Wed., 20 Sep.
2023 |
Mon., 25 Sep.
2023 |
Wed., 27 Sep.
2023 |
Mon., 2 Oct.
2023 |
Wed., 4 Oct.
2023 |
Mon., 9 Oct.
Tue., 10 Oct. 2023 |
Wed., 11 Oct.
2023 |
Wed., 18 Oct.
2023 |
Mon., 23 Oct.
2023 Papers by Sam Delmer and Ryane Liao |
Wed., 25 Oct.
2023 |
Mon., 30 Oct. 2023 |
Wed., 1 Nov. 2023 |
Mon., 6 Nov.
2023 |
Wed., 8 Nov.
2023 |
Mon., 13 Nov.
2023 |
Wed., 15 Nov.
2023 |
Mon., 20 Nov.
2023 |
Mon., 27 Nov.
2023 |
Wed., 29 Nov. 2023 |
Please send comments to Rosemary Spang
URL: http://courses.law.harvard.edu/faculty/cdonahue/courses/rlaw/lectures/index.html
last modified: 11/10/23
Copyright © 2023 Charles Donahue, Jr.