Law Professors Honored
date: May 2, 2005
Articles by Professors Lucian Bebchuk, Mark Roe, and Guhan Subramanian will be named among the top ten corporate and security law articles of 2004 in an upcoming issue of the Corporate Practice Commentator, a quarterly journal that reprints articles about corporations law. The articles were selected based upon a survey of corporate and securities law teachers across the nation.
The articles selected were, "Firms' Decisions Where to Incorporate" by Bebchuk and Alma Cohen of the National Bureau of Economics Research, published in 46 Journal of Law and Economics 383-425 (2003); " Delaware's Politics" by Roe, published in 117 Harvard Law Review 588-646 (2003); " Bargaining in the Shadows of Takeover Defenses" by Subramanian, published in 113 Yale Law Journal 621-686 (2003); and " The Disappearing Delaware Effect" by Subramanian, published in 20 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 32-59 (2004).
This is the sixth straight year that an article from an HLS professor has been honored, and the fifth year in a row that HLS has had multiple selections.
updated: May 05
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