Databases and Historical Materials
title("Databases and Historical Materials") ?>Paul A. Freund Professor of Law
This page is very much “under development”. The idea is to make available to all who are interested various databases that I have constructed over the years along with translations and transcriptions of historical materials that are sitting in my files. Right now all that I have here is the Excel spreadsheets that I used for my book Law, Marriage and Society. If you want to use them (or just check my addition), you will need to download them to your own Excel program; they are not useable on the web. Behind these numbers there are Access databases, the use of which on the web is both awkward and expensive. Within reason, I am willing to answer queries. Once I get better at SQL, I hope to upload a massive bibliography of English and Continental legal history that I have compiled over the course of many years. I also plan to upload those portions of my teaching materials that I have created or that are in the public domain.
Brussels Marriage Cases 1448–1459 (Excel)
Cambrai Marriage Cases 1438–1453 (Excel)
Ely Marriage Cases 1374–1381 (Excel)
Paris Marriage Cases 1384–1387 (Excel)
York Marriage Cases 1300–1399 (Excel)
York Marriage Cases 1400–1499 (Excel)