Steven M. Shavell

Curriculum Vitae

Harvard Law School

Address:Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA 02138
Telephone:(617) 495-3668
Fax:(617) 496-2256


Address:  65 Shattuck Rd., Watertown, MA 02472
Telephone: (617) 926-7007



1977-1978Liberal Arts Fellow, Harvard Law School
1970-1973Ph.D., Economics, M.I.T.
1964-1968A.B., Mathematics, A.B. Economics, University of Michigan

Academic and Employment History

2000-presentSamuel R. Rosenthal Professor of Law and Economics, Harvard Law School
1985-presentDirector, John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business, Harvard Law School
1980-present Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
1980-2006  Director/Co-Director, Law and Economics Program, National Bureau of Economic Research
1999 (Fall)Visiting Professor, New York University Law School
1984-1985Visiting Professor, University of Chicago Law School
1982-2000Professor of Law and Economics, Harvard Law School
1980-1982Assistant Professor of Law and Economics, Harvard Law School
1979-1980Associate Professor of Economics, Harvard University
1974-1979Assistant Professor of Economics, Harvard University
1973-1974Assistant Professor of Economics, Boston College
1968-1970 Lt., j. g., U. S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control

Editorial and Public Service Positions

2008-present Co-Editor, Journal of Legal Analysis
2006-present Member, Board of Advisors, Joseph von Sonnenfels Center for the Study of Public Law and Economics, University of Vienna
2005-present Co-Editor, American Law and Economics Review
2005-present Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Tort Law
2005-present Member, Advisory Board, Intellectual Property Institute, University of Richmond
2003-presentFaculty Associate, Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences, Harvard University
2003-presentMember, Board of Faculty Advisors, Journal of Law, Economics and Policy
2001-presentMember, Board of Advisors, Center for Law, Economics, and Financial Institutions, Copenhagen Business School
1999-presentMember, Board of Editors, Encyclopedia of Law and Economics
1990-presentMember, Board of Editors, Research in Law and Economics
1989-presentMember, Board of Editors, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
1987-presentMember, Board of Editors, International Review of Law and Economics
1990-present Associate Editor, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
2001-2002President, American Law and Economics Association
1999-2005 Member, Board of Editors, American Law and Economics Review
1990-1994Member, Board of Directors, American Law and Economics Association
1986-1990Consultant to American Law Institute, Project on Compensation and Liability for Product and Process Injuries
1987-1989Consultant to United States Sentencing Commission
1985-1988Member, Board of Editors, American Economic Review
1985-1986Member, National Science Foundation panel awarding grants in law and social sciences

Honors and Fellowships

2002Elected as member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1988Elected as Fellow of the Econometric Society
1983-1984Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship
1979Liberty Fund Summer Fellow in Law and Economics
1977-1978Liberal Arts Fellow in Economics, Harvard Law School
1977-1978National Science Foundation National Needs Postdoctoral Research Fellow
1970-1973National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
1968Phi Beta Kappa
1968Honorary Woodrow Wilson Fellow

Teaching Experience

At Harvard Law School: analytical methods for lawyers; microeconomics and public policy; economic analysis of law; quantitative analysis; seminars on various subjects.  At the Department of Economics at Harvard University: law and economics; microeconomic theory; decision analysis; nonlinear programming. At programs for judges: economic analysis of law.