Steven M. Shavell
title("Steven M. Shavell") ?>Curriculum Vitae
Harvard Law School
Address: | Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA 02138 |
Telephone: | (617) 495-3668 |
Fax: | (617) 496-2256 |
E-mail: | |
Address: | 65 Shattuck Rd., Watertown, MA 02472 |
Telephone: | (617) 926-7007 |
1977-1978 | Liberal Arts Fellow, Harvard Law School |
1970-1973 | Ph.D., Economics, M.I.T. |
1964-1968 | A.B., Mathematics, A.B. Economics, University of Michigan |
Academic and Employment History
2000-present | Samuel R. Rosenthal Professor of Law and Economics, Harvard Law School |
1985-present | Director, John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business, Harvard Law School |
1980-present | Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research |
1980-2006 | Director/Co-Director, Law and Economics Program, National Bureau of Economic Research |
1999 (Fall) | Visiting Professor, New York University Law School |
1984-1985 | Visiting Professor, University of Chicago Law School |
1982-2000 | Professor of Law and Economics, Harvard Law School |
1980-1982 | Assistant Professor of Law and Economics, Harvard Law School |
1979-1980 | Associate Professor of Economics, Harvard University |
1974-1979 | Assistant Professor of Economics, Harvard University |
1973-1974 | Assistant Professor of Economics, Boston College |
1968-1970 | Lt., j. g., U. S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control |
Editorial and Public Service Positions
2008-present | Co-Editor, Journal of Legal Analysis |
2006-present | Member, Board of Advisors, Joseph von Sonnenfels Center for the Study of Public Law and Economics, University of Vienna |
2005-present | Co-Editor, American Law and Economics Review |
2005-present | Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Tort Law |
2005-present | Member, Advisory Board, Intellectual Property Institute, University of Richmond |
2003-present | Faculty Associate, Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences, Harvard University |
2003-present | Member, Board of Faculty Advisors, Journal of Law, Economics and Policy |
2001-present | Member, Board of Advisors, Center for Law, Economics, and Financial Institutions, Copenhagen Business School |
1999-present | Member, Board of Editors, Encyclopedia of Law and Economics |
1990-present | Member, Board of Editors, Research in Law and Economics |
1989-present | Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization |
1987-present | Member, Board of Editors, International Review of Law and Economics |
1990-present | Associate Editor, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review |
2001-2002 | President, American Law and Economics Association |
1999-2005 | Member, Board of Editors, American Law and Economics Review |
1990-1994 | Member, Board of Directors, American Law and Economics Association |
1986-1990 | Consultant to American Law Institute, Project on Compensation and Liability for Product and Process Injuries |
1987-1989 | Consultant to United States Sentencing Commission |
1985-1988 | Member, Board of Editors, American Economic Review |
1985-1986 | Member, National Science Foundation panel awarding grants in law and social sciences |
Honors and Fellowships
2002 | Elected as member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
1988 | Elected as Fellow of the Econometric Society |
1983-1984 | Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship |
1979 | Liberty Fund Summer Fellow in Law and Economics |
1977-1978 | Liberal Arts Fellow in Economics, Harvard Law School |
1977-1978 | National Science Foundation National Needs Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
1970-1973 | National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship |
1968 | Phi Beta Kappa | >
1968 | Honorary Woodrow Wilson Fellow |
Teaching Experience
At Harvard Law School: analytical methods for lawyers; microeconomics and public policy; economic analysis of law; quantitative analysis; seminars on various subjects. At the Department of Economics at Harvard University: law and economics; microeconomic theory; decision analysis; nonlinear programming. At programs for judges: economic analysis of law.