History Project: Faculty and Staff Information

Daniel Robert Coquillette


Charles Warren Visiting Professor of American Legal History , Harvard Law School, J. Donald Monan S.J. University Professor and former Dean, Boston College Law School

Email: coquille@law.harvard.edu

Mary Elizabeth Basile


Assistant Professor of Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law

Email: mbasile@temple.edu

Thompson E. Potter, Jr.


Faculty Assistant, Harvard Law School
Areeda 134
Tel. 617-496-5028

Email: tpotter@law.harvard.edu

Kevin Cox


HLS student and research assistant

Email: kcox@law.harvard.edu

J Gravett Hook


Email: jhook@law.harvard.edu

Gail Hupper


Director, LL.M. and International Programs, Boston College Law School

Email: hupper@bc.edu

Elizabeth Kamali


HLS student and research assistant

Email: ekamali@law.harvard.edu

Bruce A. Kimball


Director and Professor, School of Educational Policy & Leadership, College of Education & Human Ecology, The Ohio State University

Email: bkimball@ehe.osu.edu

David Warrington


Head, Archives and Special Collections, Harvard Law School Library, Harvard Law School.

Email: warringt@law.harvard.edu

Janet C. Katz


Senior Research Librarian, Harvard Law School Library, Harvard Law School.

Email: katz@law.harvard.edu